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Guillemard was born in 1949 in Angers, France, where he later studied at l'Ecole des Beaus-Arts. He won the Grand Prix de Sculpture in Venice in 1977 and the Sculpture floralies de Paris in 1969 and 1992. His primary expression, however, comes in painting oils and work is regularly shown in Paris, Brussels, Tokyo and New York. In 1996 he was honoured by the Museum in Brive with a retrospective 20 Years of painting.

In 1993, Carnegie Hall in New York invited the public to attend the painter's solo performance: motion and place, sight and sound.

The works of Dominique Guillemard are a strange fascination. It is, first and foremost, a confrontation with an unreal world, a world of luxury and elegance, of dream and nostalgia, a fast and easy world. Humans are present, but they live beyond the routine of daily life.

His paintings capture our glance like instantaneous photographs.  Fuzzy from movement, splashes of color, they express a situation without details. Faces, for example, never appear. Guillemard's paintings are a form of post-photograph impressionism, which is both original and interesting.




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© 2020 - Gallery 32 Fine Arts



Tel: +1 212 780 0932


Adresses: (by appointment only)

- 32 E 20th Street, 10003, New York City

- 8 avenue Mozart, 75016, Paris

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