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Jocelyn Bain Hogg is an eminent British photographer who, while working for the fashion magazine, Scene, was assigned to document the media frenzy surrounding the death and funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales. During this time, he writes that, “The germ of an idea struck me. Why was the populace so obsessed with this fairytale, a woman mythologized to the point where many believed they knew her? What is fame and why do we adore some people?”

The photographs by Jocelyn in Idols & Believers, his latest book and exhibition, captures a refreshing documentary view of modern celebrities, fellow photographers, and producers of the tabloid world as well as the people who make up the fan culture that we are all a part of. His wonderful eye is able to capture this madness with a suspension of judgement that is rare with such a subject matter and explores our unnatural obsession with celebrities.

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© 2020 - Gallery 32 Fine Arts



Tel: +1 212 780 0932


Adresses: (by appointment only)

- 32 E 20th Street, 10003, New York City

- 8 avenue Mozart, 75016, Paris

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